Course Syllabus

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Need to download this syllabus? Click the following link: TOS 3.0 Syllabus (PDF)

Note: If you are a faculty member that has been assigned or would like to be assigned an Online (Hybrid or Fully Online) Course at LBCC, then you are required to have official online teaching certification.  At LBCC this requires the completion of Teach Online Seminar 3.0 (also known as TOS 3.0). 

TOS Enrollment Button

The course may be started at any time.  
FLEX Credit - 6 hours

Course Description

During this course, participants will use resources, examples, and activities of this seminar to design and create an online class that is aligned with standards of the California Virtual Campus Online Education Initiative (CVC-OEI). The modules discuss online pedagogical practices; teaching strategies that engage students wherever they are and promote their success; communication and collaboration activities; class interactions; designing assessment methodologies appropriate for the online environment; and offering accessible online content. At the end of the seminar, the participant will complete the fundamental planning process and deliverables necessary for designing an online class. 

The seminar is a ten-module, self-paced course conducted entirely online. Each module consists of the following elements:

    1. An introduction to the topic(s)
    2. A video presentation with embedded question for completion
    3. Topic resources for further study and review
    4. A development deliverable (activity)
    5. Some contain additional learning opportunities that are optional

Training Outcomes/Objectives

Outcomes - Upon completion of the training the participant should be able to:

  1. Develop online course content in alignment with student learning outcomes
  2. Facilitate regular and substantive interaction in an online course
  3. Offer multiple means of assessment and substantive feedback
  4. Create accessible learning materials for online learners

Objectives - Upon completion of the training the participant should be able to:

  1. Compare and contrast syllabi for on-ground courses vs. online courses
  2. Identify the elements of an effective online course syllabus
  3. Design and compose a syllabus for an online course
  4. Examine the various methods of helping students acclimate to an online learning environment.  
  5. Develop an online course orientation
  6. Recognize elements of learning guides
  7. Recognize the benefits of chunking course content
  8. Recognize the need to design the course from the student's point of view
  9. Analyze the various methods of assessing student work in an online environment
  10. Identify common challenges associated with assessing work in an online environment
  11. Evaluate various instructor/student contact strategies
  12. Compare and contrast innovative techniques used for effective instructor-to-student contact in an online environment.
  13. Identify and evaluate accessibility issues pertaining to online course environments
The modules of the Teach Online Seminar are self-paced and designed to take between 30 and 45 minutes to complete. While the seminar is self-paced and asynchronous in nature, the Online Education Faculty Coordinator serves as the course facilitator  and is available to provide feedback and assistance pertaining to the module activities.
Upon completion of the four modules, the participant is granted a certificate of completion issued through the Office of Online Learning & Educational Technology (OLET).  All ten deliverables must be completed and aligned in order to receive the certificate of completion for the pedagogical aspect of the online educator training program.

Course Schedule

Section A: Course Design – Content Presentation

  • Module A-1: Develop Online Course Content and Modular Structure | Task: Identifying Modules and Devising a Learning Guide
  • Module A-2: Welcome Students to Online Classes with Effective Orientations | Task: Developing a Online Course Orientation
  • Module A-3: Solicit Anonymous Feedback for Continuous Improvement | Task: Devising a Mid-Course Feedback & Evaluation Tool
  • Module A-4: Develop Online Course Guides | Task: Modifying a Syllabus for an Online Course

Section B: Regular and Substantive Interaction – Communication & Collaboration Strategies

  • Module B-1: Ensure Regular and Substantive Interaction Between Instructor and Students | Task: Instructor-to-Student Communication Plan
  • Module B-2: Ensure Regular and Effective Contact Between Students | Task: Online Course Discussion for Students

Section C: Effective Assessment and Feedback Methods

  • Module C-1: Design Effective Online Assessments | Task: Designing Online Assessments
  • Module C-2: Design Assessment Rubrics | Task: Create an Assignment Rubric

Section D: Accessibility

  • Module D-1: Ensure Accessibility of Documents | Task: Developing Accessible Documents
  • Unit D2: Module D-2: Employ the Canvas Accessibility Checker and Offer Accessible Multimedia | Task: Accessibility Self-Check Report

Contact - Online Learning Department

Name Role Email Phone
Michael Robertson

Professor of Anthropology

Online Education Faculty Coordinator 80% (2020-2025) (562) 938-4553
Hussam Kashou, PhD Dean, Online Learning, Educational Technology, and Learning Resources (562) 938-4626
C.C. Sadler Educational Technologist II (ITDC) (562) 938-4255
Susan Fintland Educational Technologist II (ITDC) (562) 938-4740
Jennifer Lares Universal and Instructional Designer (OLET)  (562) 938-4206
Laura Rantala Online Learning Manager (OLET) (562) 938-4254
Tracy Bejarano Senior Administrative Assistant (562) 938-4724
Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology General OLET Help  -
Information Technology Services ITS Help Desk  (562) 938-4357



Course Summary:

Date Details Due